
Common roots... raíces comunes...


A gift of Nyako Nakar, Spain

The Indalo is a prehistoric symbol found in the "Cave of the Signboard" (La Cueva de Los Letreros) located in the northern province of Almeria, Spain.   The Cave of the Signboards is located in area known as Maimón, in the town of Vélez Blanco known for it's picturesque cliffs and rock shelters.  The province of Almeria is known as the paradise of La Paz (Peace) and beauty. 
The Indalo pictograph shows a human with arms stretched above his head holding the arc of a rainbow.  Other pictures show men, women, goats, deer and  symbols covering the walls of this ancient cave.  The pictures show activities of the ancient people who occupied this area of southeastern coastal area of Spain around 4,500 B.C.
(source: University of Leuven, Belgium) 

The Cave of the Signboard was designated a National Historical Monument in 1924 and more recently nominated as Patrimonio de la Humanidad (Patrimonium of Humanity). 

Though the Indalo was first 'officially' discovered in Spain sometime before 1868 by Antonio Góngora y Martinez, the people of Mojácar have used the ancient Indalo symbol for hundreds of years.   Travelers through the area called the symbol  "Mojaquero Man", because it was painted in white lime on houses of the town.  The people thought the Indalo symbol is a sign of good luck.

Some archaeologists say the Indalo symbol is a representation of a prehistoric God.   Others say the pictograph that holds the rainbow between open arms is representative of God's promise to humans that the world would not be destroyed by water (Génesis 9-13).  We favor a third more plausible interpretation which says the symbol is a message of the star people and represents the Creator's grace.   

The pictograph was named in memory San Indalecio, and means Indal eccius (Messenger of the Gods) in the Ibero language.   

In the present village of Mojácar, people paint the symbol with red ocher on houses and over doorways to protect them from storms, lightening and the 'evil eye', while spiritual workers, Los Taumaturgos (miracle-workers),  tell people the symbol has a good energy field surrounding the symbol and it will extend life.  

Other indigenous civilizations, such as Hawaiian Islanders and American Indians, assigned similar meanings to the same type of symbols as the Indalgo drawing. 

The "Anuenue Wahine" (Rainbow Woman) is found in several locations and many styles. The open torso suggests the womb and birth canal.  The arch over her head represents a rainbow which means she is an honored and respected woman. She is also known as the wise woman or the woman who sees all.  Even though the kapu system rigidly divided the roles of men and women, many women held active positions in the ali'i and many were highly respected kahuna.  

Rock carvings found throughout the Hawaiian Islands represent the lifestyles and belief systems of its ancient island occupants.    

The "Anuenue Kane" (Rainbow Man) is one of the best known among the all the Hawaiian petroglyphs. The Rainbow Man has a closed waistline denoting a male figure. The Rainbow Man has the same significance of honored status as Rainbow Woman.  Most modern interpretations see him as a warrior.  The rainbow man has a closed waistline denoting a male figure. The rainbow has the same significance of honored status.  Most modern interpretations see him as a warrior.
Found at Nuuanu, Oahu, the "Rainbow Man" depicts a man with rainbow resting on his shoulders.   The symbol represents each person's responsibility to 'shoulder' the task of protecting Mother Earth, the land "Ania."
The arc of the rainbow also means the person is honorable and respected.
Today, Hawaiian craft people frequently use the symbol of the Rainbow Woman and Rainbow Man in their work found in market places throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

A day will come when the animals, winged ones and those who swim will begin to disappear.  The eagle, bear, wolf and buffalo will be scarce because people will become greedy and will not love each other.  The sky will become black and the trees and plants will die.  The beautiful rainbow will disappear because people will not remember to keep the Mother Earth sacred and will destroy its beauty. 

Children of the Rainbow Warriors will come before all destroyed and they will love the trees and the animals.  They will love and respect each other and they will help people to live in peace with all creation. The rainbow in the sky will return as a sign of the Creator's grace. 

This is a symbol known to the Zuni Indians as Rainbow Man.  It was found on a Zuni war shield, a symbol of protection.

This are many similarities in this version of the Rainbow Man.  The outstretched arms, stance of the legs, and the "Bow of Sky Rainbow above.

Some information and pictures from Circle of Light/Eternal Moment Manual, ©2003 Jean Vanhove.